
2015-11-29 23:42

Written by Vasilis Zafiridis

What can we say about Lara?? Once again we follow her footsteps in unknown and unexplored places in search of, what else, the truth and if we come across priceless artifacts, the more the better.

Set a year after the events in Yamatai Lara is strugglingg to realize and explain the supernatural experience she had lived. Searching for answers she turned to the writings and the notes of her father which reveals the secret about the lost city of Kitezh and furthermore the secret of immortality.

Starting the search from Syria, hoping to discover the tomb of the Prophet of Konstantinopolis, a key-person in the legend of the lost city. Although she manages to find the tomb, she discovers that it is empty and she realizes that she's not alone in this quest.

An ancient Templan organization, Trinity, now transformed into a paramilitary organization which investigates supernatural and searches valuable artifacts wants to acquire the Divine Source, an artifact that gives eternal life. 

While trying to escape from them, Lara discovers a symbol engraved on the tomb. This symbol is connected with one of her father's books from the Russian religious history. But one of the Trinity assassins steals it, forcing Lara to follow him to Siberia.

Cinematic effects, complex characters, twists, savage battles, inhospitable environments and deadly persecution. These are the facts that Rise of the Tomb Raider promises us.

One of the things that surprise us in the game are the constant references to Greek clues and elements (translations, Byzantine mosaics, ancient architecture). Well-written script and the continuous side missions emphasize the exuberance of the game.

Lara as a video game has evolved, it has matured. It has flawless graphics, a result from the combination of Crystal Dynamic and Microsoft's Xbox One, and countless opportunities. 

So choose your favorite controller and ... enjoy!!

2015-11-27 16:41

Written by Vasilis Zafiridis

The days when Chinese mobiles were made of cheap plastic materials have eventually passed. Today, China's  mobile leaders have launched their quality into space. The  manufacturers from the West are using metal for their mobiles, so do Chinese companies. The Huawei Mate 8 comes to our show. The only downside in my opinion, is the large size of the mobile (6 inches screen). However, the screen covers almost the entire front surface (about 83%). It has also full HD resolution and not 2K, as they said in the first place. Surely many will find it difficult to handle it because it requires both hands.

What now  concerns the processor,we are talking about  the newest octacore HiSilicon KIRIN 950 (4x Cortex A72 2.3GHz, 4x Cortex A53 1.8GHz), with 83,000 Antutu Benchmark points, the competition is far behind it. The Ram is 4 GB (also in version 3 GB memory), which guarantees the smooth functioning of multitasking and gaming. Also the internal storage space ranges in 32 GB, 64 GB and 128 GB, depending on the preferences of the buyer!

A prominent innovation of the company is the existence inside the  mobile of a low power operation co-processor, named i5. He is responsible for managing lower power operations, such as speech recognition, playback MP3, controlling various sensors of the mobile, but without the battery running out.

In the other features the mobile  includes a huge battery capacity of 4,000 mAh, a fingerprint scanner on the back and a camera sensor with Sony 16 megapixels IMX 298. The front camera has a resolution of 8 megapixels. The colors that are available are Champagne Gold, Moonlight Silver, Space Gray and Mocha Brown.

The Huawei Mate 8 is available for pre-order in China. Prices (at the  time of writing the article) are: $ 500 for 3 GB RAM memory and 32 GB ROM memory, $ 580 for 4GB RAM and 64GB ROM memory and $ 688 for 4 GB RAM memory with 128 GB ROM memory.

Prepare your pre-orders then..and enjoy!!

2015-11-25 18:49

Written by Vasilis Zafiridis

Fanctions and Classes

In the world of WoW there are two rival groups or factions as they are known, the Horde and the Alliance. In Horde faction there are the Orcs, Trolls, Undeads or Forsakens, Blood Elves and Taurens while in Alliance owned the Human race, the  Dwarves,the Gnomes, the Night Elves and the Draenei.

Each player can choose a character, who's defining his race and furthermore his party. Initially, in 2004, World of Warcraft, was allowing each player to create his/her character among eight races, but with the expansion The Burning Crusade the number of the available races  increased to 10 with the inclusion of the Blood Elves and the Draenei.

When a player creates a character he/she can choose the following categories (classes): druid, hunter , mage, paladin , priest , rogue , shaman ( Shaman ), warlock and warrior .

But not all the categories are available for each race. For Example, only Orcs, Trolls, Tauren and Draenei can be  Shaman . Paladin is a class available only for the Blood Elves, Draenei, Dwarves and Humans. Moreover , the expansion Wrath of the Lich King gives us another class, the Death Knight but only for characters level 55 and above.

to be continued...

2015-11-24 21:03

Written by Vasilis Zafiridis


More than worldwide 11 million subscribers, holder of the Guinness Record for the most popular MMORPG, Prize for best role-playing game (2005), Prize for best play for the PC (2005), winner of the most addictive videogame (2005), Technology and Engineering Emmy Award ( 2008) ... and the list goes on.

Of course we are talking about the very popular World of Warcraft (or WoW as we know it).

The World of Warcraft created by Blizzard Entertainment and released on November 23rd , 2004 in North America and Australia and a little later, on February 11st, 2005 in Europe. It belongs to MMORPG category (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game ) and its world, which takes place is a  fantastic medieval universe called Azeroth.

In Azeroth inhabit many diverse tribes and it has rich geographical and morphological landscapes.

At first WoW consisted of four continents, the three continents of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Each continent is divided into zones and sections with different geographical and morphological characteristics.

The continent Kalimdor divided into three parts, north, central and south.

The northern Kalimdor is dominated mainly by forested areas such as Ashenvale, the Moonglade, and the giant tree - island of Teldrassil, homeland of the Night Elves, and snowy landscapes (Winterspring).

In the central part, in which inhabit the Tauren, the city Orcs Orgrimmar and Darkspear Trolls, the desert areas of the Barrens, the Durotar and Mesas canyon Thousand Needles are in contrast with the green plains of Mulgore, while in southern Kalimdor are Deserts Tanaris and Silithus compose a landscape very different from the jungle crater Feralas and Un'Goro.

The Eastern Kingdoms (Eastern Kingdoms) divided into three continents: Lordaeron, Khaz Modan and Azeroth.

On the northern continent, Lordaeron, and especially in Tirisfal Glades Plaguelands dwell the Undead. It is a mountainous land with mountains of various gradations, from towering mountains to small hills (Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Hillsbrad Foothills).

The Khaz Modan is a continent with inhospitable, inaccessible areas with canyons (Searing Gorge, Badlands) or lava rivers and scorched earth (Burning Steppes) and further comprising the snowy region of Dun Morogh, land residence of the Dwarves and Gnomes.

Finally, the southern continent, Azeroth, which bears the same name as  the game world and the continent composed among others of the woods Elwynn Forest, home of the Humans, marshy areas (Swamp of Sorrows), the jungle Stranglethorn Vale and very dangerous areas like the Blasted Lands (where is the gate Dark Portal).

The Burning Crusade (2007) incorporated a new extra-dimensional continent, the Outland, which is the remains of the destroyed world Draenor, homeland of the Orcs. The Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands leads to this land with these separate geographical environments: the Barren nightmarish deserted Hellfire Peninsula with reddish soil and blood thirsty Orcs leads to forest Terokkar Forest and the city of Shattrath City, while north of the green, grassy plains of Nagrand erected giant mushrooms in the swamp Zangarmarsh.

In the northern part of the Outland violet atmosphere and magical domes of Netherstorm and countless sharp rock edges (Blade's Edge Mountains) compose an exotic and otherworldly landscape. Rocks and islands float and surrounding the continent, dominated the demon Illidan Stormrage and demonic followers.

The Burning Crusade has also incorporated zones of two new races, the Blood Elves (at the northern edge of the Eastern Kingdoms) and Draenei (in northern Kalimdor).

The Northrend is the northern continent of the world of Azeroth, headquarters of the Lich King and integrated with Wrath of the Lich King (2008). Frost prevails in this inhospitable continent: east, the dark forests, steep rocks and icebergs of Howling Fjord, land of towering warriors Vrykul, the forested area Grizzly Hills, in Zul'Drak, area with strong presence of trolls and temples ziggurat, in the vast mountainous snow-covered area of ​​Storm Peaks, housing giants and huge centaurs Magnataur. In the south, in the snow-covered valley Dragonblight, dragon cemetery, but where menacing dragons still fly and where stands the Temple Wyrmrest and the floating necropolis Naxxramas, west in Tundra Borean Tundra, house of sea horses Tuskarr.

Climate and geography have a radical change in the lush tropical jungle Sholazar Basin, in the western part, which protect the area from the Scourge, the army of the Undead Lich King, with the colossal columns Titans.

But from all regions the greatest terror comes from the Icecrown in northern Northrend, land of the Scourge and location of Icecrown Citadel, the stronghold of the Lich King.

to be continued ...

source: Wikipedia

2015-11-01 20:02

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